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Jackie Bradley Jr.



Full Name:

Jackie Bradley Jr.​


Named after singer Jackie Wilson (Mr. Excitement)​.




“OBJ”, "JBJ"



April 19, 1990

Richmond, Virginia




Father: Jackie Bradley Sr.

Mother: Alfreda Hagans
Spouse: Erin Helring (@erinhbradley)

Brother: Dominique (younger)

Sister: Chyna (younger)

Sister-in-law: Claire Helring (Ferreira) (@clairehelring)


His father is (or was) a bus driver in Richmond, Virginia. Father played basketball for Fayetteville State.


His mother is a retired police officer (Virginia state police)


His wife attended Liberty University where she got a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. Her birthday is May 17th.


His sister-in-law Claire lives in Brazil.




Prince George High School, Prince George, Virginia

Mascot: Royals

Coach: Mickey Roberts

University of South Carolina

Gamecocks baseball

Coach: Ray Tanner

Full roster


Growing up he played for the Richmond Braves, an elite travel team based out of Richmond, Virginia. 


Baseball Related:


2011 - Drafted by the Boston Red Sox (40th overall).


2013 - April 1st - Major League debut with the Boston Red Sox.


2013 - Won the World Series with the Boston Red Sox over the St. Louis Cardinals; however he did not play in the post-season.


2016 - Bradley switched his uniform from #25 to #19 (it was previously worn by Koji Uehara).




Favorite movie: "Man on Fire."


Played for the Hyannis Mets in the Cape Cod League.


He has tweeted often about his love for the restaurant 'Chic-fil-a'.


Sample Heckles:


"Mr. Excitement... (add other heckle here)."


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